
Will is an outstanding trainer. I strongly credit the recent reversal of my osteopenia, in part, to the bi-weekly strength training sessions with him consistently over the years, whether in person or on-line. He is organized and on time, his warmth and caring shining through each session. His format, offering two groups of three exercises each session, is most satisfying. I recommend Will without hesitation.

-Helen, 75, Remote Client

Will is a delight to work with, an effective trainer, and clearly loves his craft... I needed someone to help me with strength training programming to find the sweet spot between gains and being too sore to do all the other active stuff I want to do. I am a daily bike commuter, trapeze artist, and just generally a very active person, but I'm also over 40 now and let's be honest -- recovery time is critical now more than ever. Attempts to do strength training on my own just left me feeling so sore, even if I only did it twice a week. I needed someone with the right skills and knowledge to understand what kind strength training I need to do and at the correct level of intensity to keep me moving forward without being so sore all the time. Will has really delivered. He gives me a good variety of movements that balance my love for the barbell with a variety of equipment including dumbbells, bands, and machines. I've noticed my strength improving in the right ways, and while I feel a little muscular soreness or fatigue after some workouts, it's never so much that it keeps me from biking or practicing my circus arts.

Amy, 41, In-Person Client

“My year-long experience with Will has been nothing but superb. Will incorporates a variety of workouts to each of our sessions, and has taught me so much in a short period of time. Results were fairly immediate with me, and I never noticed those results "plateau-ing". Will has the perfect interplay of being motivational (my biggest need!) but also realizing that there is life beyond the gym. I'd recommend Will without hesitation to anyone just getting started with a workout regimen or someone just looking to fine-tune some things.”

John, 43, Accountant, In-Person Client

“I have greatly enjoyed and benefited from my personal training sessions with Will! He is personable, and he has given me a great number of tools and techniques for working out. Before Will, I never had a great idea about what to do at the gym, other than to just hop on the treadmill and lift some free weights. With Will, I now find myself working out muscles that I never have before. I would absolutely recommend training with Will to anyone!”

Fr. Bobby, 31, In-Person Client

“Will is an extremely skilled personal trainer. To determine my current level of fitness, he completed a thorough personal fitness assessment. Using the assessment, Will then developed a strength plan to help meet my goals of increasing muscle strength and maintaining bone density. He advised me that this plan will change and grow as I gain strength. Will encourages me to gradually increase my strength training routine. 

I was a bit nervous to come into the gym, so he recommended we work remotely via Zoom. This has worked beautifully and I’m enjoying our sessions. It continues to be a very rewarding experience!”

-Tricia, 65, Remote Client

“I have worked with many strength trainers over the last several years, and Will Campbell is one of the best.  Will takes his business seriously and is extremely knowledgable about exercise science.  I always feel during our twice weekly sessions that I am in the hands of a professional, that his conscientious attention to form and exercise combinations keeps me safe from injury yet pushes me to get stronger and stay flexible.  He monitors my work load carefully and seems genuinely interested in helping me achieve my long term goals.  It is clear he has a plan for every session, and he is careful to explain to me the target areas and benefits of every exercise he has me do.  He’s a great teacher, and I have clearly benefited from his expertise.”

-Richard, 70, Retired 

“I signed up with Will for personal training as I wanted to carefully workout because I had a back injury some years ago. Will taught me in person at the gym and you could tell immediately he knew what he was doing. After 6 months of working with him, I could tell my body was stronger and I can’t even believe it but I had LESS back pain. He had taught be how to properly strengthen the muscles where it mattered and I’m so so grateful for his years of experience and knowledge that got me where I am. It also helps that he’s just a friendly and funny guy. Forever grateful to work with Will and would recommend to everyone I know!”

-Jenna, 25, Registered Nurse, Hybrid Client

“I trained with Will for about a year and a half while I was playing competitive soccer. Will was able to tailor my workouts not only to address and correct my areas of weakness, but to strengthen the specific areas and movements that would assist me when I played. He also created weekly workout plans to help me maintain my fitness outside of our trainings.

As a trainer, Will is creative and knowledgeable. Each week he would design new workouts that I could then add to my own workout routine. If something didn’t feel right, he would notice and was able to alter any exercise on the fly. He was also able to accommodate for my injuries and incorporate my physical therapy into our sessions. 

Will is thoughtful, organized and personable. Training with Will not only improved my soccer playing and my overall fitness, but has given me the skills and knowledge to effectively and confidently workout on my own!”

-Sophia, 18, College Student

"I began working with Will 8 years ago, and what I have gotten after some 600+ sessions is, in the best sense, more than I had bargained for!

Will has thoughtfully designed a highly-personalized training program, that fully incorporated focused lower extremity and core strengthening, so essential to successful rehabilitation after injury and surgery. His program has also involved deliberate and careful progression to a total-body fitness strategy, that emphasizes functional movement and neuromuscular awareness. Will is a highly intelligent, articulate and dedicated individual, with a clear vision of his role as a fitness professional. This gives him a seriousness of purpose that I feel is rare in any profession, particularly in a field as plagued by transience of approaches, gyms and personnel as this one. And, this is livened by his fine sense of humor and compassion."

-Doug, 63, Retired Neuro-Radiologist

“I am forever grateful for Will working with me last year. I lost 20 pounds and I’ve been able to stay in the mid 180’s now… Will taught me how to focus on areas of greatest need and also ones that contribute most to the sports I am passionate about. Like I said, forever grateful…”

-Nate, 33, Fundraiser

“I’ve been training with Will for about a year now.  I started training to strengthen my core because I’ve had back issues, and stayed because the workouts have been fun and varied. Will is excellent at tailoring a workout to my particular needs. I’ve had some knee problems, and he came up with good lower-body exercises that worked around this.

And during COVID-19 we’ve been doing virtual training sessions. He’s come up with some great at-home workouts, using things around the house, including backpacks and books.  Now that weights have become available, the workouts are even better. Also, I love his sense of humor! If you want a good workout that is tailored to you, Will Campbell is your man.”

-Neal, 62, R&D Director, Hybrid Client

“When I started training with Will 3 years ago I was coming off of a leg injury. My goal was to regain my size and strength prior to the injury. With Will’s knowledge, experience and dedication he developed a plan that helped me achieve beyond my goals. He took a real interest in my success, kept me motivated and always had exciting new routines planned. 

Will went the extra mile, helping me design routines for the days we didn’t train together. He also helped me put together a proper diet and would send motivational videos and/or relevant articles. 

Will has the rare ability to blend professionalism and personalism. Every session I knew I was there to work and to get better, but I always had a great time doing it. 

If you have a specific goal in mind, Will has the ability to help you realize it.”

-Steve M., 35, Sales Executive

“I’ve trained 2-3 times a week for four years with Will. When we began, I'd just finished Physical Therapy after a knee injury and was at my lowest fitness level ever. Will worked closely with my PT to design a plan for increasing my overall strength while not re-injuring my knee. By the end of our first year together I walked the Scottish Highlands for a week to celebrate my 60th birthday.

Will is creative, smart, personable, professional, and conscientious. Four friends I've referred to Will have continued to work with him and they're all stronger, healthier, and happier as a result.”

-Laurie, 60, Psychiatrist & Author, Hybrid Client

"I had the great fortune to work with Will when I signed up to train with him five years ago.  With a multitude of issues and injuries (my body should come with a map indicating every challenging area), Will astutely assessed my capabilities and created a training plan that allowed me to grow in strength and overall health. 

As a trainer, he is that fabulous balance of encouraging and motivating. You feel that with every exercise he sets you you will be able to achieve it, no matter how challenging.  Recently, I reconnected with Will, and immediately made the decision to leave the gym where I had a membership to begin training with him once again. It is the best investment in my health that I have made in some time. I can't recommend Will enough!"

-Aimee S., 51, Hybrid Client

“Will is serious and focused, and is a very good personal trainer.  Each workout considers my current capabilities and personal training goals.  Because of his thoughtful planning, workouts with Will are never the same and always provide the right level of challenge.  I also like the fact the most exercises can be repeated on my own at home in limited space and with minimal gear.”

-Joan L., 68 Financial Advisor

“First, Will is extraordinarily professional in every way: thoroughly reliable, punctual, and communicative. He is a gym manager because he is sharp and organized. And he is emotionally sensitive and knowledgeable.

Second, he is a superb coach, remembers all of my increasing ailments and the way they uniquely alter my possible workouts.  He is excellent at the minor adjustment which produces the miraculous and desired result.  And he is excellent at changing up our routine, lacing it with variety, and coverage. 

Third, note I have used the first person plural.  My workout is with my partner and she adores Will.  I like the fact that Will has not worked out with multiple clients often but has figured out how to navigate training two different bodies simultaneously and without forgetting our idiosyncrasies.

Fourth, we like him, and his paternal anecdotes too…we recommend him very highly.”

-Stephen M., 78, Retired, Hybrid Client